Welcome Back Students & Staff!
Thanks to all of you who visited the PTG's table at "Get Acquainted" night. We hope everyone is off to a great start this school year.
The PTG will be meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014 at 7 p.m. in the Elementary Faculty Room. All welcome! We will be discussing new ideas, the Playground Project, a Fall fundraiser, and more.
Please also join us in welcoming Mercy Ross, our new PTG President.
The PTG is looking for parent helpers on Thursday, Sept. 25 for the Summer Reading Ice Cream party, and also needs helpers on Friday, Sept. 26 for Elementary School Picture Day.
Please email Mercy Ross if you are available to help: nebptg@gmail.com
This Blog may not be regularly updated due to the fact a new Blog is being developed and will hopefully be live soon!